On the second floor of the lovely Fine Arts Building in downtown Chicago and across the street from Grant Park, you’ll find the delightful bookshop, Exile in Bookville. When I walked in one Saturday morning in October, Fleet Foxes was playing. As many of you know, that. Is. My. JAM. The visit was clearly off to a good start. Needless to say, after a very long browse, I walked out with books in tow.
There are so many charming things I loved about this bookshop: The old wooden floors, nearly floor to ceiling windows, and matching floor to ceiling bookshelves. The well-written and enticing book recommendations scattered throughout the shop. The display with an offer to choose a record for staff to play during your visit. The multiple rooms that feel like cozy nooks. The curated selection of non-book items (for example, pens and notebooks). As a former librarian, I especially appreciated the huge selection of fiction titles on offer—from old favorites to the latest releases.
This is a great spot (in a great location) to get lost in for an hour. Looking forward to stopping in again the next time I’m in town.

Exile in Bookville
410 S. Michigan Ave, Second Floor
Chicago IL, 60605
Cool! And now I both have to visit and want to buy The Hare…